
"This is just quite simply amazing. Surely this has to become common practice soon?"
- International Standard Showjumper

There is a misconception that eye tracking can only be used for screen-based activities but this is far from the case.

With the current technology now being so mobile, durable and unobtrusive they can easily be worn by horse riders while actually on the horse.


Showjumpers do not get the opportunity to ride the course before their competition attempt. Furthermore, if one fence is knocked down, they are unlikely to medal, but two, there is virtually no chance. Therefore, having an adaptive and efficient decision-making process is essential. Exploring the role of the visual system to then train it, leads to more consistent and efficient decisions.

Applications (Riders & Coaches)

Horse riders wearing an eye tracker when physically showjumping allows us to fully understand how they use their visual system to be successful in their performance. Some nevertheless, have been turned off by how long it takes to calibrate the devices. However, the system I use takes seconds. It can easily be achieved while riders are either on or off the horse, with the helmet assisting the process of accuracy (not hindering) by securing the glasses in place.

In this world leading approach, it is becoming clear that it depends on how riders have been coached as to how they use their visual system. For example, one successful approach is in the lead up to a fence, the rider focuses on the middle of the top bar until they are comfortable with the position and stride of the horse. They then shift their gaze to beyond the fence and where they will position the horse.

If this was investigated through a prerecorded screen-based exercise, the horse maybe approaching the fence in a different way to what the rider would like, thus not engaging in their true gaze behaviour and conclusions would be based on inaccurate data.

This is not only for riders however and can easily worn by coaches to explore what they focus on to provide the vital feedback to develop those under their charge.
